In Odoo or any similar software, logging serves as a crucial tool for developers and administrators to monitor and comprehend the system's behavior. As an ERP platform, Odoo offers logging functionalities via Python's logging module. Within Odoo 16, loggers can be utilized to capture information regarding the system's operations, errors, and other pertinent details.
Below is a simple illustration demonstrating the utilization of logging within Odoo.
import logging
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class YourOdooClass(models.Model):
_name = 'your.odoo.class'
def your_method(self):
# Your code logic here
# Example log messages"Your information log message")
_logger.warning("Your warning log message")
_logger.error("Your error log message")
except Exception as e:
# Log an error if an exception occurs
_logger.exception("An error occurred: %s", e)
In this instance:
1. Import logging: This statement brings in Python's logging module.
2. _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__): This line establishes a logger instance for your Odoo class. Substituting 'https://your.odoo.class%27/ with the precise name of your Odoo class.
3. Within your methods, you have the option to employ ), _logger.warning( ), and _logger.error( ) to log various types of messages.
Moreover, you have the option to adjust the logging settings either in the Odoo configuration file (odoo.conf) or via the Odoo user interface. This configuration can encompass parameters like log file path, log level, and log format.
Below is an illustration of configuring logging settings in the odoo.conf file:
; Choose the log level: debug, info, warning, error, or critical
log_level = info
; Define the path for the log file
logfile = /path/to/your/log/file.log
Ensure to substitute "/path/to/your/log/file.log" with the specific path where you intend to store the log file.
Within Odoo, logging functionality is chiefly facilitated by Python's standard logging module. You can employ various log levels to classify and prioritize your log messages. The standard log levels, listed in ascending order of severity, include:
1. DEBUG: Comprehensive details, typically pertinent only for troubleshooting purposes. INFO: Confirmation that operations are progressing as expected.
2. WARNING: A signal of an unforeseen event or a precursor to a potential issue in the foreseeable future (e.g., 'low disk space'). The software continues to function as intended.
3. ERROR: Due to a more significant problem, the software has encountered difficulties in performing specific functions.
4. CRITICAL: An exceptionally crucial error, indicating the potential incapacity of the program to maintain continuous operations.
In Odoo, the logger object encompasses these log levels via corresponding methods. The standard logger is accessible through the module. Here's how you can utilize different log levels in Odoo:
import as tools
# Example usage in a method of an Odoo model
def some_method(self):
# ...
# Logging at different levels
tools.log(level=tools.LOG_DEBUG, message="This is a debug message")
tools.log(level=tools.LOG_INFO, message="This is an info message")
tools.log(level=tools.LOG_WARNING, message="This is a warning message")
tools.log(level=tools.LOG_ERROR, message="This is an error message")
tools.log(level=tools.LOG_CRITICAL, message="This is a critical message")
# ...
In the preceding example, substitute "self" with the suitable instance if you're within a method of an Odoo model.
The Odoo logging system will capture these log messages, and depending on your configuration, they could be stored in a file, database, or presented in the user interface.
Explore the Odoo log output thoroughly by examining the individual log levels and their behaviors, especially when altering a request date field within our Service Request module.
from odoo import http
import logging
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class CaseSync(http.Controller):
@http.route('/Test/RestApi/case_sync', type='json', method=['POST'],
auth='public', csrf=False)
def case_sync(self):"****************************INFOOOOOOOOOO*****************************************")
from odoo import http
import logging
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class CaseSync(http.Controller):
@http.route('/Test/RestApi/case_sync', type='json', method=['POST'],
auth='public', csrf=False)
def case_sync(self):"****************************INFOOOOOOOOOO*****************************************")
Absolutely! Within Python's logging module, various logging levels are employed to classify messages according to their severity. These levels, listed in ascending order of severity, include: DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, and CRITICAL.
When you establish the logging level to a particular threshold, solely messages at that threshold or higher will be documented in the log. For instance:
* If you configure the logging level to "info," messages with the INFO, WARNING, ERROR, and CRITICAL levels will be logged, while DEBUG messages will be disregarded.
* If you adjust the logging level to "warning," solely messages with the WARNING, ERROR, and CRITICAL levels will be logged, while lower-level messages such as DEBUG and INFO will be excluded.
So, to clarify my statement, when I said, "If the logging level is set to a higher level (e.g., 'info' or 'warning'), debug messages will not appear in the log," I meant that if you set Odoo to log messages at a more elevated severity level (such as "info" or "warning"), debug messages (which have a lower severity level) will not be displayed in the log output.
To incorporate debug messages in the log, you must configure the logging level to "debug" or a level lower. This guarantees that messages of all severity levels, encompassing DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, and CRITICAL, are logged.