Managing Loyalty Programs in Odoo 17 POS

In Odoo, loyalty programs are functionalities designed to express gratitude to customers for their ongoing support and encourage them to engage with your company more frequently. Typically, customers earn points or rewards for purchases or specific activities as part of these programs. Subsequently, customers can redeem these points or rewards for discounts, free merchandise, or other perks. With Odoo's features, businesses can effortlessly create and manage loyalty programs, fostering customer retention and loyalty.

Setting up configurations

To tailor discounts and promotions for retail or dining establishments, enable the ‘Promotions, Discounts, Gift Cards, and Loyalty Program’ feature in the PoS module configuration settings. This is effectively illustrated here.

Creating Loyalty Programs

Selecting the 'Discount & Loyalty' link will direct you to the dashboard window, as depicted below.

By filtering through Programme Name, Programme Type, Items, Website, Point of Sale, and Company information, users can view pre-configured loyalty programs and discounts on a dashboard page. This window is also accessible by selecting the "Discount & Loyalty" option within the 'Products' menu.

Next, select the ‘New’ button to initiate a new configuration form with a range of fields.

* Please modify the Program Name and select its Program Type from choices such as Coupon, Promotion, Loyalty Card, etc. (In this instance, I've opted for Loyalty Card as the Program Type.)

*Choose the currency and define the program's commencement and conclusion dates.

* If you want to restrict the eligibility of this loyalty program to a specific price list, choose one from the options available in the Price List field.

* Please specify a name for the Points Unit used in this Loyalty program.

* Enter the usage limit in the "Limit Usage" field, and provide your business details in the "Company" section.

* Determine the locations where the loyalty program will be accessible, such as Point of Sale, Sales, or Website, utilizing the 'Available On' field.

* If needed, restrict program visibility to specific websites or shops by specifying a website name in the 'Website' section.

* Select a Point of Sale session compatible with the activation of this loyalty program.

Tab for Rules and Rewards

Set up program regulations, such as purchase or sales criteria, in the "Conditional Rules" section by using the "Add" button.

When you click the ‘Add’ button, a wizard will pop up, allowing you to customize different conditions such as Minimum Quantity and Maximum Purchase amount. Furthermore, you can define eligible Products, Categories, or Tags within the Loyalty Program CONDITIONS section of this wizard.

Within the POINTS section, you can establish the conditions for Loyalty Points. After configuring all essential conditions, remember to save your conditional rules to ensure they are accurately applied to your loyalty program.

Reward Creation

To start creating a reward, just click the “Add” button under the “REWARDS” section. This will open the “Create Rewards” popup window. Then, configure your new rewards by choosing the desired “Reward Type” and specifying the percentage of the ‘Discount’. Next, indicate where the discount should be applied, whether it's on the entire Order, the Cheapest Product, or a Specific Product. Finally, under the “DISCOUNT” tab, set the Maximum Discount allowed.

To qualify for the loyalty program, points need to be set up in the 'POINTS' section. Remember to personalize the reward description in the specified “Description on Order” field.

Ensure clarity for your customers. Lastly, after configuring all reward details, save your rewards by clicking the "Save & Close" button to ensure they are correctly stored and ready for use.

Tab for Communication

The Communication tab in the Loyalty Programs form is instrumental in setting conditions for informing customers about their loyalty program rewards. This encompasses defining parameters such as the timing of communication, setting limits, selecting email templates, and configuring print report details, all of which are outlined below.

Once the Rules & Rewards have been saved within the Loyalty program configuration form, we can observe the

The "Loyalty Cards" smart button located at the top of the form allows access to the dashboard list of all loyalty programs. Simply click on it to view.

To begin creating a new loyalty program and edit the form fields, click the "New" button.

The form will automatically generate the loyalty card code in the Code field. Afterward, you can input the Expiration Date, Partner, and Balance according to the specifications and save the information.

Next, we can assess the application and functionality of this loyalty program by initiating a Point of Sale (PoS) session.

Trial of the Loyalty Program in a PoS Session

Now, we can begin a Point of Sale order by initiating a new selling session and proceed to order any products, as demonstrated below.

Select the "Customer" option to access customer data after placing your product order. Then, a list of all clients, including their Names, Addresses, Contacts, and Balance data, will be displayed as shown below.

You can view the balance of Loyalty Points in the Balance section. In this instance, I'm selecting the name of a regular client. Additionally, the 'Create' option can be utilized to add or generate new client information in your PoS Order database.

Once the customer data is selected, we can observe the customer’s name, their current accumulated loyalty points, and the New Total points from the Orders window, as shown below.

Next, generate payments by selecting the ‘Payment’ button. This will lead you to the payment window where you can choose the ‘Payment Method’ and review other payment particulars. Once payment details are confirmed, click on the ‘Validate’ button to continue with the payment process and generate an invoice bill.

Upon validation of the payment, the process will be completed, and the invoice bill will be generated as shown below.

At the bottom of the invoice, you'll find the Loyalty Points and the relevant Loyalty Program, as depicted in the illustration above.

The blog highlights the advantages of handling loyalty programs through Odoo 17 Point of Sale, catering to companies aiming to cultivate enduring customer relationships. By adhering to these guidelines and leveraging the POS's features, businesses can create and oversee loyalty endeavors that enhance customer engagement, drive revenue growth, and nurture brand loyalty.

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