In Odoo 17, users have the ability to assume different roles such as purchasing representative, sales manager, inventory manager, HR officer, salesperson, and others. These roles differ according to the module being used. As a result, Odoo 17 utilizes role-based access control to determine the tasks users are permitted to perform, including configuring, creating, editing, deleting, or accessing data. Due to the comprehensive feature set present in all modules of Odoo 17, ordinary users are prevented from making changes to a module's configuration.
To verify access permissions within the Odoo 17 Point of Sale, you'll need to go to the Settings application. User access rights are managed within this section. Consequently, accessing the user's page requires opening the Settings module.
In the Settings section, you'll find a range of menus available, including General Settings, Users & Companies, Translations, Gamification Tools, and Technical.
Initially, users must be set up. While Odoo 17 caters to sellers, customers, and employees, it classifies users into three separate groups.
1. Employee within
2. Portal member
3. General public user
In Odoo 17, an internal user denotes a person employed by the company. This category possesses backend access to the platform as they are part of the Odoo 17 workforce. They may be classified within the employee module.
After internal users, we have portal users, who are either vendors or customers of the business. They convey their needs to internal users and can be provided with portal access by staff members. This portal enables them to access documents pertinent to their business dealings.
The last group comprises public users who visit the website. They are categorized as visitors and have the ability to explore the company's website. Until they are granted portal access, they retain their status as public users.
Within the company, employees are referred to as Internal Users. Consequently, it's possible to assign each employee a unique set of access privileges to modules in Odoo 17. Their roles and responsibilities determine the access rights granted to them.
Therefore, navigate to the Settings menu and choose the Users & Companies tab, then select Users from the available list.
The window displays a list of users, currently totaling four. Among them, one is a portal user, while the remaining three are internal users. Within this user window, you'll find options such as Filter, Group By, and Favourite.
Next, let's open Mitchell Admin, the main user. Initially, you'll see the name and email address, with further information accessible on the Access Rights tab. If the user has Multi-company access, the Allowed Firms section lists the authorized firms' names, along with the Default Company name. Following that, we'll delve into User Types, a topic we've previously covered.
While scrolling down the window, you have the option to define access privileges for various modules.
In Odoo 17 Point of Sale, there are two levels of access rights: Administrator and User.
Mitchell Administrator is presently logged in with administrative privileges. Once the user is saved, navigate to the Point of Sale module to examine the features and access provided at the administrator level. The user with Administrator access is depicted in the Dashboard view showcased in the screenshot below. The dashboard, orders, products, reporting, and configuration are the five menus accessible from the user's viewpoint.
The administrator manages the setup of features for the restaurant or shop. Further PoS Session parameters can be located within the PoS settings box.
On the Configuration page, you can set up payment methods, coin/bill denominations, floor plans, product categories, attributes, order printer settings, payment terminal configurations, taxes, and other options.
Under the Products tab, users have the ability to configure Products, Product Variants, Price Lists, Discounts, Loyalty programs, Gift cards, and eWallets.
Navigating to the Orders tab allows users to manage orders, sessions, payments, and customers.
Moreover, detailed information regarding Orders and Sales can be accessed in the Reports tab.
The image below depicts the perspective within the store session. Through this interface, the user can add Customer Notes, process Refunds, access Information, Internal Notes, and more. Additionally, tasks such as tax mapping, creating new price lists, applying discounts, and similar actions can be carried out. The administrator also holds the authority to finalize the session.
The second level of access rights within the Point of Sale module concerns individual users. Let's go back to the Settings module. Next, we'll look into Marc Demo. To review the Access Rights for the PoS module, access the user's profile.
The access rights for the Point of Sale module are set up for users, particularly for an Internal User.
In this situation, Marc Demo possesses User access rights and is the currently logged-in user. The screenshot exhibits the dashboard interface, showcasing various tabs like Dashboard, Orders, and Products.
The absence of Reports and Configuration tabs on this screen indicates that the user with "User" access rights lacks permission to alter configurations.
Let's examine what happens when a user sets the Access Right of the Point of Sale module to None.
Introducing John, an internal user. Now, let's assess this user's access permissions. John currently doesn't have any access settings within the Point of Sale module.
This implies that John, the employee, is unable to access the point of sale. Each employee has access to their specific work-related applications based on their departmental roles. For instance, John, serving as a sales administrator, is restricted from accessing the point of sale. Hence, we set "Sales" for the access permission and "None" for the point of sale.
Kindly log in as John, our recent employee, and examine the overview of the Point of Sale module. While the user might come across the sales module on the dashboard, John won't find it as his access rights are configured to None.
Hence, in Odoo 17, the access rights feature enables the system to assign module functions to staff members according to their roles.